5 Common Problem With Breville Espresso Machine: How To Fix And Repair

Coffee is the first thing that a coffee lover wants early in the morning, and thanks to the Breville Espresso Machine that turns your coffee-making experience into joy and provides you with a cup of coffee you crave for. 

But, just like other kitchen appliances, espresso machines, at one or another point, are hit by dozens of internal and external issues (it’s turning on, not producing good steam, and numerous others). Thinking of the seized Breville Espresso Machine is nerve-wracking and frustrating.

Well, making sure an appropriate power supply, the proper use of milk, adequate care, and cleaning can mitigate such kinds of issues.

If you are eager to comprehend more about the Breville Espresso Machines’ troubles and their most proven solutions, you can read ahead. Here we have enlisted 5 Common Problems And Solutions for Breville Espresso Machine – so you will have the peak-performing machine as fast as possible.

Instead of directly jumping into the Breville Espresso problems and solutions, we will crack some information about Breville? You are completely covered!

Breville Espresso Machine

High pressure is used in an espresso machine to drive water through coffee in a matter of seconds. The switch for pure coffee magic is the lever of an espresso machine.

The high pressure is essential for quick brewing, but it also aids in developing the crema and the dispersion of rich coffee oils into the final espresso shot.

It’s a lot of pressure, which explains why espresso is so strong and brews rapidly.

Now, it is time to explore what Breville is, and then we will dive into how to operate Breville Machines, its problems, and solutions.

What is Exactly Breville?

Breville is an Australian brand that makes tiny household appliances. It was founded in Sydney in 1932. The well-known appliances are coffee makers, blenders, toasters, kettles, microwaves, and toaster ovens.

As of 2016, the company also manufactures and distributes Nespresso coffee machines, such as the “creates,” in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada, and other Nespresso products, such as the Inissia, Vertuo, and Citiz line of machines.

How to Operate a Breville Espresso Machine?

Although the versions of Breville espresso machines vary slightly, the concept remains the same. The following is a step-by-step tutorial on getting your Breville espresso machine up and running.

  • Connect the gadget to the power source.
  • Because the Breville espresso machine does not warn you when the water level is low.
  • Fill the water tank halfway with cold water, then set the filter in the filter holder and secure the water tank.
  • Turn it on before using the machine and wait to warm up for around 10-15 minutes.
  • Fill the hopper on the machine with whole coffee beans and close the lid.
  • Adjust and configure the amount of grinding you want. The lower the number, the finer the coffee grind, and the higher the number, the rougher the grind. We recommend starting with a grind size of five and gradually increasing it.
  • Set the grind amount to the 3 o’clock position in the middle.
  • Choose between single and double filter baskets.
  • In the grinding cradle, place the portafilter and gently press it down until the grinder starts to work. The portafilter will be filled with the exact amount of coffee released by the grinder.
  • To halt the grinding process, press the grinder size button once again.
  • To remove extra coffee, use the razor included with the machine to level and tamp the ground coffee in the portafilter.
  • Place your coffee under the portafilter and connect it to the group head.
  • When you click the 1-cup button once, 30ml of single espresso will be released, and the machine will stop automatically once the volume has been reached.
  • To extract around 60 ml of espresso into the cup, push the 2-cup button.
  • Check the pressure gauge to see what the espresso extraction pressure is based on where the needle is on the gauge. When the gauge needle lands on the lower zone, it means the coffee beans were under-extracted, but when it lands on the upper zone, it means the espresso beans were over-extracted.
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So, here we are on how to fix 5 Common Problems With Breville Espresso Machine.

5 Common Problems with Breville Espresso Machine and Troubleshooting Guide

Like every other kitchen appliance, an espresso machine is bound to break down at some point during usage. The best Breville espresso machine comes with all the automated technology needed by a neoteric espresso machine. The main operation is making coffee, espresso, cappuccino, lungo, americano, iced coffee, and tea.

The Breville coffee maker includes a range of accessories, including a water tank, drip tray, bean container, and milk frothing system.

However, this espresso machine has a few drawbacks, like all electrical gadgets. The water tank burst, the bean container top broke, and the coffee didn’t heat up quickly.

Troubleshooting manuals can help with all of these issues. Stick to this article till the end for going over some troubleshooting concerns and solutions. The troubleshooting guides can be found below;

Problem 1: The Blockage of the Breville Water Reservoir

The most intractable problem with an espresso machine is its water reservoir block, which prevents it from supplying water. This issue can arise when heated air in the boiler exerts pressure on the pump, resulting in a lock. It is a strong material that will allow water to pass through.

How to Fix it?

After using your best espresso machine, let it cool and switch it off for 15-20 minutes to allow it to rest. The head screen should be sufficiently clean. Make sure there is no residue or crimping on the hose. Fresh, filtered, and clean water should be added to the water reservoir.

A cup must be present in the brew head and steam wand. Turn on the steam wand knob and leave it on for at least two minutes. Turn on the brew button for backflushing when the steam wand is still attached. When you turn on the machine, you’ll see that the water reservoir is full of water after 2-4 minutes.

Problem 2: Breville Espresso Machine Isn’t Heating Up Properly

The espresso machine does not heat up for a variety of reasons. You can examine the thermostat, switch, thermal fuse, and control board to see if your equipment is safe from this type of problem. Following a few tips will help you troubleshoot this issue.

How to Fix it?

If your machine is not heating up properly, you can change the switch and disconnect it. If your espresso machine is on but your coffee isn’t heating up, check to see if the control board on the machine is responding when you turn it on.

If the problem persists, you may need to replace the control board. Thermostats function as a measuring tool that monitors the heat flow through the machine. Most espresso machines take longer than one minute to heat up, but an espresso machine should take 15-20 seconds to heat up.

On the other hand, if the thermostat causes your coffee to overheat, the machine will shut down. The lack of heat could be due to the thermostat. As a result, double-check that it isn’t trapped in the wrong place. Replace the thermostat if this approach does not work.

Problem 3: Breville Coffee with a Burnt Taste

The most common cause of burnt coffee is the over-extraction of the coffee beans. If the coffee beans are ground slowly, but the water is boiling simultaneously, your coffee will become scorched.

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Another cause of burnt coffee is using coffee beans from a bean container without a lid, which results in a poor coffee flavor. The coffee flavor can get bitter at times.

How to Fix it?

This difficulty can be solved by slightly crushing your coffee beans. After the water has been heated, the beans can be ground. You may receive fresh and high-quality coffee by replacing coffee beans with capsules.

To keep the coffee fresh, the cover on the coffee bean container should be closed. If you don’t want your coffee to taste harsh, add salt.

Problem 4: Breville’s Milk Frother Isn’t Working

Your espresso or cappuccino will taste better with milk foam. However, if your machine’s steam wand cannot produce a rich milk frother, it will lose its coffee flavor. This issue arises when your espresso machine malfunctions. However, if you troubleshoot the issue, it will not last long.

How to Fix it?

When you use burnt coffee beans or beans that have been coarsely crushed, you won’t produce a creamy milk crema. How will your espresso shots, which primarily rely on the grind, turn out?

You can discover the most extraordinary grade espresso with velvety and pulpy milk crème if the coffee beans are ground finely.

So, when you’re ready to make your coffee drinks, make sure the coffee beans are fresh and slightly ground. The other reason is that if the water is excessively hot or cold, no crema (a brownish foam that appears on top of freshly brewed espresso) will be produced.

The machine’s temperature can be regulated to 195 degrees Fahrenheit. The last reason is that your equipment cannot pressurize milk to make milk cream. You can test it by brewing a single shot and recording the time.

Usually, an espresso machine takes 20-30 seconds to brew a single shot. It should be corrected if you see it takes less than 10 seconds or more than 30 seconds.

Problem 5: Issue with the Breville Filter Basket

If your machine’s filter baskets are too old and broken to hit off a hard surface, replace them. You can tackle the issue by following the steps mentioned below.

How to Fix it?

It is necessary to clean the filter basket regularly. As a result, when cleaning it, you must use hot water. Rinsing the basket in hot water with detergent is systematic and practical. However, never clean it with chemicals like chlorine because these intense chemicals can reduce the coffee’s flavor.

Bonus – The Espresso Machine Has Stopped Working (Somehow Most Frequent Issue & Solution)

There are various problems that can make your Espresso machine stop working, but the following are at the top:

  • The machine’s power cord or on/off switch has failed.
  • There is a possibility that the valve was shut down owing to clogging.
  • Tubes clogged

How to Fix it?

Get a professional to replace the switch or cord if it’s broken. Do not repair yourself because an incorrect redressing or replacement could pose a safety risk.

If you can’t reach a technician or the manufacturer isn’t providing adequate service, you may have no choice except to purchase a new machine, of course, not from the same company.

A toothpick can be used to remove the built-in debris from a clogged valve. On the other hand, calcium-clogged tubes could be resolved by putting vinegar through the coffee maker, followed by many batches of water to ensure the vinegar is entirely removed.

Heating coil failure and heat-sensitive switch failure are two power-related issues that cannot be repaired. It’s because finding the correct replacement components for them might be difficult.

Develop a Breville Espresso Cleaning Routine – Save yourself from Breville Espresso Problems

Cleaning your coffee maker is a great way to avoid potential malfunctions. A basic daily cleaning regimen would enable longer runs while maintaining the coffee’s quality.

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There are several parts to an espresso machine. As a result, the cleaning should be modular. There are a few primary methods for cleaning a coffee machine;

Clean the Machine After Every Shot

After each shot, try to clean the machine. The steps are as follows:

● To ensure that the portafilter is entirely free of grinds, rinse it and dry it.

● To ensure no stuck grounds, run the filter through water.

● Wipe down the dispersion screen with a clean rag.

Daily Cleansing Routine

There are a few options for cleaning the machine at the end of each day. Perform a backflush on your coffee machine if it has a three-way pressure valve. All of the pipes and the entire system should be cleaned.

  • Turn on the water for a few seconds after inserting an empty portafilter (zero holes).
  • The filter should be emptied and rinsed. Rep the procedure four times more.
  • Wiggle the empty portafilter while running the water for the fourth time.

As most inexpensive coffee makers do, see the user handbook for cleaning instructions if your coffee machine doesn’t have a three-way valve.

Deep Cleaning

Treat your coffee machine to a dedicated coffee machine cleaner every few days. The espresso detergent will break down the oils and make it easier to remove the coffee grounds. Follow these procedures to use the espresso cleaner:

  • Soak the dispersion screen and portafilter for 10 minutes in the detergent solution.
  • Rinse and blot dry the soaked components with a clean cloth.

Perform a backflush with the cleaner in the empty portafilter if your coffee machine has a three-way valve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we have also answered the most frequently asked questions about Breville Espresso Machines.

Can You Make Regular Coffee With a Breville Espresso Machine?

Unless you have a dual-purpose espresso and coffee machine, you can’t create a conventional cup of coffee using an espresso machine. Espresso can be made by forcing hot water through compacted coffee grounds at high pressure. You receive a different output than with a drip brewer’s gravity-fed technique.

Is Espresso Better For You Than Coffee?

For persons with high cholesterol levels or who want to lower their cholesterol levels, paper filtered or instant coffee is preferable to boil or French press coffee since they contain significantly less caffeine.

Is Espresso Superior to Coffee in Terms of Flavour?

Keep in mind that espresso has a more robust flavor than coffee. The “espresso bean,” essentially a more bottomless roast, is designed to suit coffee consumers who prefer a robust flavor. Espresso produced with lightly roasted coffee beans, in reality, can be delicious.

What Exactly is the Problem With My Espresso Machine?

Slow espresso flow could indicate a problem with the pump. The pump must have adequate pressure to give the necessary force to drive the water through the grounds quickly. It’s possible that the pump isn’t getting enough water or that it’s broken. There is a possibility that you used too much coffee in the portafilter.

Our Summary

The Breville Espresso machine is equipped with many working parts that work together to serve you an incredible cup of coffee. But due to various problems, this Breville Espresso encounters many minor and major issues.

So, if you face any of the above-mentioned listed problems, you can try their respective solution; we hope our mentioned solution will let you out of the issues, and then soon you will have a well-operating and efficient machine.

If the problem remains persistent, you can consult an electronic store but if it is in warranty, then contact the manufacturing company.