Is Artichoke a Fruit or a Vegetable?

Artichoke is a word that will pop up various queries in your mind regarding its genus. Different people have distinct opinions conforming to artichokes.

In today’s era, the highlighted question is “Is artichoke a fruit or a vegetable?“.

According to the opinion of many botanists, an artichoke is a vegetable. It is also said that there’s nothing wrong if we call it a flower. People consider an artichoke a vegetable, but many botanists called it a wildflower due to its flower-like appearance.

In this article, you’ll get valuable information about an artichoke. So, without creating any fuss, let’s get into it.

Artichoke: Fruit Or Vegetable?

Originally, an artichoke was an edible thistle plant. People considered it a vegetable because it can be used in soups, sauces, stuffing, and many more like a vegetable.

The most common species of green vegetable is the French Artichoke.


Artichoke comes in different varieties depending on the location and the season. Let’s jump in and find out the types of Artichoke to try a new taste.

  • Globe Artichoke
  • Baby Artichoke
  • Big Heart Artichoke
  • Castel Artichoke
  • Fiesole Artichoke
  • Chianti Artichoke
  • Imperial Star Artichoke
  • Lyon Artichoke
  • Sangria Artichoke
  • Omaha Artichoke
  • Carciofo Romanesco Artichoke
  • Tempo Artichoke
  • Siena Artichoke

And many more varieties of Artichokes have been introduced into this world. But the most common and the people’s favorite Artichoke is Globe Artichoke. It is also known as a genuine Artichoke.

People love globe Artichokes because they are available almost the whole year and can be grown quickly in your garden.


Artichokes can be found worldwide, but few specific places in which a considerably huge percentage of Artichokes are grown. These particular spots are.

  • Italy
  • France
  • California
  • Spain
  • Europe
  • U.S

It is said that the natives of Europe and the U.S love to have Artichokes on their dining table.


Artichoke is a healthy snack that should be a part of your cuisine. An Artichoke can fulfill all the nutritional needs of your body. Here are the nutrients that can be found in an Artichoke vegetable.

Nutrients in Low %age

  • Fats
  • Cholesterol
  • Sodium

Nutrients in High %age

  • Molybdenum
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Fiber

Apart from these nutrients, an Artichoke is also known as the energy power bank for the human body.

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Different varieties of artichokes may vary in taste according to their habitat. The well-known vegetable, an Artichoke, has a fan base due to its nutty flavor. People love to add this nutty taste of Artichoke to their favorite dishes.

It has been noticed that when you cook an Artichoke with thorns, people relish the fantastic new flavor. Nevertheless, if you combine the nutty flavor of an Artichoke with a thornless dish, it may lose its taste.

Why Is An Artichoke Also Known As A Flower?

You might have heard that people got confused while naming the genre of Artichoke. The flower-like appearance of an Artichoke makes people think that it might be a flower instead of a vegetable.

An Artichoke certainly appears to be a wildflower because it originated from a Daisy family. When you add an Artichoke to your meal, you’re eating an immature thistle.

If you see a fully grown Artichoke, it looks like a mesmerizing giant flower with beautiful purple petals. Therefore, an Artichoke is a lovely flower known to be a nutrition-rich vegetable.

Does Artichoke Need To Be Cooked Before Eating?

Yes, an Artichoke needs to be cooked appropriately before eating. You might see some people eating raw Artichoke, but the cooked Artichoke gives you a soft and delicious taste.

There are many ways to cook Artichoke, and a few of them are.

  • Boiling
  • Baking
  • Grilling
  • Roasting
  • Microwaving
  • Braising

The most convenient way to cook an Artichoke in minimal time is by steaming the whole Artichoke. When you’re cooking an Artichoke, you’re supposed to cut off the stem and the stiff leaves to make it soft for your cuisine.

You can relish the taste of an Artichoke by trying its combo with your favorite dishes like soup, pasta, dips, etc.

What Are The Advantages Of Artichoke?

Consuming an Artichoke is beneficial for your health. It offers you plenty of advantages, a few of them are given below.

●      Deals with Hypertension

Hypertension has become a fatal disease all over the world. People can face hypertension due to many components, but excessive sodium intake will lead you to the deadly stage of hypertension.

Artichoke helps you deal with hypertension because it contains a meager amount of sodium. So, if you’re facing such health issues, you can still enjoy the delicious Artichoke.

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●      Fiber Grain

An Artichoke contains many fibers that deal with many fatal diseases like cancer. There are a lot of factors that lead to cancer in the human body.

To prevent the risk of cancer, it is mandatory to eat healthy and fiber-rich food. As you know, Artichoke is declared a healthy fiber-rich vegetable that will boost your immune system

●      Fat-Free

Fat is the root of numerous lethal diseases in humans. It has been noted that people are facing obesity, cancer, etc., because of excessive consumption of fats in their meals.

Artichoke is a fat-free vegetable that will reduce the risk of many acute disorders, including cancer. As it is a fat-free food, you can eat it while dieting.  

●      Deals With Heart Disorders

If you’ve met or seen a patient with coronary disease, you might know that the patient is advised to use low-cholesterol meals. An artichoke contains a significantly low percentage of cholesterol, so a heart patient is allowed to add artichokes to their dining table.

The intake of Artichoke will decrease the risk of heart attack and prevent you from facing any acute coronary disease.

●      Good Source of Vitamin C

Everything that exists in the world needs a considerable amount of energy to survive. Likewise, your body needs adequate vitamins and minerals to balance the systems.

Artichoke is an excellent source of Vitamin C that can boost your immune system. Therefore, an Artichoke will reduce the risk of many fatal disorders.  

●      Natural Electrolyte

Artichokes are called diuretics which play a crucial role in balancing your blood pressure. It has a lot of benefits, including extracting excess liquid from the body, maintaining blood pressure, and helping you burn fat while dieting.

An Artichoke also possesses a high amount of potassium in it. Therefore, if you’re a high blood pressure patient, you should immediately add this natural electrolyte to your food.   

Can Artichoke Be Hazardous For Your Health?

In addition to advantages, Artichoke possesses a few disadvantages to your health. Let’s dive in and explore the drawbacks of an Artichoke.

●      Aphrodisiac

In the 16th century, it was stated that Artichoke was a potent aphrodisiac. Many countries have restricted women from eating Artichokes in their meals.

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Gradually, this is converted into a myth, and women start eating Artichokes. But there are still a lot of countries in which it is considered a drawback of Artichoke.

●      Diarrhea

Another flaw that people face after Artichoke consumption is diarrhea. Many people refuse to eat Artichokes because they’ve met the worst diarrhea whenever they are artichokes.

It may depend on the folk’s immune system or their taste. Artichoke may cause Diarrhea due to excessive intake of food.

●      Allergic Reactions

While reviewing the Artichoke, it has been noticed that people may face allergic reactions after dining with Artichoke. The allergic reaction varies from mild to worst, depending on the immunity of the consumer.

If you’re facing such issues while eating Artichoke, you should avoid the other intake or consult your physician to figure out the problem.

●      Gas

The most common drawback of Artichoke is gas, but it can be ignored. Various people face the gas after consuming an Artichoke meal.

Nevertheless, gas can be found in people after eating any heavy meal. This is not significantly hazardous, but you should take some pills or prohibit excessive Artichoke intake from avoiding future health issues.

How to Store an Artichoke?

Yes, you’ve heard it right. You can easily store an Artichoke for further use in your food. There are following steps that need to be followed while refrigerating the Artichokes.

  • Slice off the trunk of an Artichoke.
  • Spray a tiny amount of water on the Artichoke.
  • While refrigerating an Artichoke, pack it in an airtight plastic bag instead of an everyday bag.
  • An airtight plastic bag will increase the duration of storing Artichoke.

When you purchase an Artichoke from a mart, you should use the Artichoke for 7 to 8 days to enjoy its fresh taste. If you’re storing a cooked Artichoke, it would be best to cool it entirely after roasting. Holding an excellent boiled artichoke can be used within a week.

Bottom Line

Now, you’ve got all the information about Artichoke. There is no need to worry further about ” Is an Artichoke a fruit or a vegetable?”. An artichoke is a healthy vegetable that should be on your table while having food.

You can explore all the pros and cons of Artichoke from this write-up.