Is Breadfruit a Fruit or Vegetable (Benefits and Side Effects)

Breadfruit may seem to you as bread from its name, but because of its greenish texture, you may guess it to be a vegetable, but you should not confuse yourself since it is a fruit.

It is a versatile fruit that belongs to the botanical family of mulberry and jackfruit. Breadfruit gets its name from its apparent relationship with bread, for when this semi-ripe fruit is prepared, its texture is similar to bread with a tinge of potato flavor. Breadfruit has several health advantages due to its nutrient quality, as it is rich in carbs and fiber and low in fat.

It is the fruit of a tree known as the Artocarpus Altiris. It not only provides energy but also encourages healthy, bright skin. It is a daily main dish for millions of people worldwide.

Key takeaways

  • Breadfruit is a fruit, not a vegetable.
  • It is a nutrient-rich fruit that contains a large sum of fiber and other vitamins required by the human body.
  • It has many health benefits, including cancer prevention, skincare, and digestive wellness.
  • There are many ways to cook it, including steaming, roasting, and boiling over an open fire.
  • It can be stored in the refrigerator and used for months.

Nutritional facts about breadfruit

Breadfruit has the following nutritional value per 100 grams:


Breadfruit has a lot of carbs. It also covers a lot of dietary fiber and carbohydrates. Therefore its primary sugars include glucose and fructose.


It is an excellent source of fiber essential for proper gut function as it can help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Minerals and vitamins

Breadfruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. It comprises a lot of vitamin C, potassium, plus magnesium.

Other nutrients

Other essential nutrients include,

  • calories: 98
  • water: 77%
  • protein: 1.6g
  • carbohydrates: 23.5 g
  • sugar: 7.1 grams
  • fiber: 3 grams
  • fat: 0.3 grams

Health Benefits

Breadfruit offers several health advantages:

1.  Digestive Wellness

Breadfruit is an excellent fiber source, essential for gut function. It can aid in the avoidance of constipation and diarrhea.

2.  Good for muscles and bones

Breadfruit contains a significant amount of phenolic chemicals, which may aid in treating arthritis and muscular pain. Because of its high vitamin C and k content, some researchers also show that breadfruit may be healthy for joints and bones.

It also includes lignin, which has been demonstrated in animal tests to have anti-inflammatory and protective properties. Consuming breadfruit as part of a balanced diet may aid with joint and bone health.

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3.  Cancer risk reduction

According to research, those who eat a diet heavy in fruits and veggies may have a decreased chance of acquiring cancer. Breadfruit has a lot of antioxidants. These antioxidants can aid in the protection of cells from harm.

It has been studied as a possible cancer-fighting meal. According to a Taiwanese study, it has tremendous promise in the battle against skin cancer. Flavonoids in breadfruit can aid in the fight against cancer cells. These can reduce damage while encouraging new cell development. They also help in the killing of tumor cells.

4.  Hair Advantages

Breadfruit is a nutrient-dense fruit that can help your hair in various ways. It is high in vitamins and minerals, which can aid in maintaining your hair strong and healthy.

It also contains a lot of antioxidants that can help protect your hair from free fundamental injury. Furthermore, it can assist in increasing hair development and minimizing hair loss.

5.  Cardiovascular Health

Breadfruit has a low calorie and fat content and provides a good fiber supply. These nutrients can assist in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, providing nearly half of the daily required amount in only one meal. As a consequence of this, the risk of cardiovascular diseases may be decreased.

6.  Skin Care

Breadfruit is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which might provide skin relief. It is used to treat eczema at home. As a natural defense against allergens, our skin is prone to irritation. Regular consumption of breadfruit guarantees that the body and the skin receive enough omega fatty 3 and 6 acids.

7.  Good for Mental Health

Breadfruit has a lot of antioxidants. It may decrease the risk of some kinds of dementia.

8.  Improves Immunity

Breadfruit has a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for immune system function. It can aid in the prevention of infection.

It also has a lot of magnesium. Magnesium can aid in the reduction of inflammation. It may lower the risk of some chronic illnesses.

Cooking Methods for Breadfruit

It is a fruit, and you can enjoy eating it at any stage of its growth and ripeness. Because of its potato-like texture, mature fruit is preferred for most cuisines as it can be steamed, cooked, roasted, or boiled over an open fire in various ways.

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It becomes soft, creamy, and delicious as it ripens. It could be eaten raw or used to make baked products, sweets like custard, and other dishes. It may also be mashed and used to make dips such as hummus or cooked into gluten-free flour.

You’ll be surprised to know that you can utilize the unripe green fruit as it can be cooked whole, sliced into small slices or pieces, and simmered until soft. A recent method to cook breadfruit is to ground it and add oils to give it a lovely texture.

Although it doesn’t rise or have the suppleness of wheat flour since it is gluten-free, it is used to create pasta, pizza, or tamales, just like other gluten-free flour. This coarse meal could be used in place of crumbs and is perfect for cooking.

Side Effects of Breadfruit

The following are the side effects of breadfruit:

1.  Medicines

You must use extreme care if you are on blood diluters. Although vitamin K surges blood clotting, research specifies that it may interfere with the drug. Refer to your medic to learn about possible medication interfaces.

2.  Food intolerances

Breadfruit can bring allergic responses, although this is unusual. According to one research, it produces severe symptoms, including rhinitis and urticaria.

3.  Kidney problems and hypotension

If you suffer from low BP, breadfruit may cause it to decline. Breadfruit includes a lot of k, which is terrible for those who have renal problems.

When the kidney’s working declines, it must apply more power to eradicate potassium. It has the possibility of aggravating the illness. In such instances, breadfruit should be avoided.


Is breadfruit good for pregnant women?

Breadfruit is abundant in proteins and other essential components while low in carbs. It consists of all of the elements desired for the growth of the baby.

Consuming breadfruit while pregnant can help boost the body’s natural immune system. Because breadfruit is high in iron, it aids in developing hemoglobin and red blood cells and treating anemia during pregnancy.

Is the breadfruit diet friendly?

Breadfruit is an excellent weight-loss snack since it is low in calories but high in nutrients. Because it is high in fiber, it delivers satiety without significantly increasing calorie consumption.

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How to Check Whether Breadfruit Is Ripe?

Those who enjoy breadfruit know that mature breadfruit has the most incredible flavor and texture. Ripe breadfruit will feel heavy in your hand and be slightly yellowish. The skin of immature breadfruit is bright green and has a robust and uneven rind feel.

Are Breadfruit Seeds Digestible?

Yes, the little seeds of breadfruit are edible. Breadfruit comes in many different types, but not all include seeds. Breadfruits contain black, oval-shaped seeds pointed at one end as they mature. For maximum flavor, the seeds are frequently roasted and seasoned.

How to Preserve Breadfruit?

Breadfruit may be maintained at room temperature for up to a week in a cool, dry area. If you need to keep it for longer, place it in the refrigerator for at least two weeks.

Breadfruit fermentation is a popular method of preserving breadfruit in many cultures, notably in the Pacific. For longer shelf life, breadfruit is occasionally soaked in water before keeping in the refrigerator.

Is there a lot of sugar in breadfruit?

Breadfruit has 24 grams of sugar per 200 grams. However, it is determined by how mature they are. However, they have a lower glycemic index due to their high fiber. As a result, they are diabetic-friendly foods.

Is breadfruit beneficial to the kidneys?

Daily consumption of breadfruit is beneficial. It aids in the lessening of uric acid. It also controls blood creatinine levels. Creatinine is a byproduct of cell activity that the kidneys remove. Creatinine, however, circulates in urine as an excess product. Creatinine is removed from the blood by strong kidneys.

Can breadfruit help with high blood pressure?

Breadfruit, yes, it is a vasodilator. It may help expand your arteries, allowing blood to flow more easily. As a result, your excessive blood pressure is reduced.


Breadfruit is an exceptionally nutritious fruit. This fruit is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities and may be eaten raw, ripe, or cooked in various ways. It provides over half of the recommended fiber content and more than 100% of the vitamin C that a body needs daily.