Is Cantaloupe a Fruit or Vegetable? (Benefits and Side Effects)

Cantaloupe is one of the most delicious things you can eat in the Summer. People worldwide love its rich and sweet taste that feels too good on the tongue.

But this popularity also raises a question: Is Cantaloupe a fruit or vegetable?

Botanically speaking, Cantaloupes are Fruits. They have seeds in them and are developed from the flowers of the Cucumis Melo plant.

Furthermore, the widely accepted concept in the world is that the sweet-ish plant’s product is a fruit. So, call it a fruit wherever you go.

But wait. There’s much. If Cantaloupe is your favorite too, then you will be amazed to look at its health benefits (which I am discussing here). So, stay till the end!

Key Takeaways:

  • Cantaloupe is a fruit because it is developed from the ovaries/flowers of plants and has seeds in them.
  • It is a summer fruit that is used to make fruit salads, smoothies, desserts, etc.
  • Cantaloupe is a rich source of important vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and water.
  • It can strengthen immunity, help with weight loss, prevent cancer, protect eyes, improve heart health, hydrate the body, and lead to a lot more beneficial effects.
  • If you eat Cantaloupe in more quantities, you will face side effects like diarrhea, stomach ache, kidney stones, etc.

Check out the details.

Cantaloupe- A Juicy Summer Fruit

People often wonder whether a Cantaloupe is a fruit or a vegetable because it is from the cucumber, gourd, and pumpkin family.

Cantaloupe is definitely a fruit because it is developed from a flower (ripened ovary). Furthermore, it also has seeds in it. So, both horticulturally and botanically, Cantaloupe is a fruit.

Nutritionists and health experts suggest people keep eating this sweet fruit. In particular, Cantaloupe is a perfect thing in the summer because this fruit also has water, which ensures you don’t feel the heat.

But that’s not it.

Cantaloupe is one of the healthiest fruits to eat because of its supreme nutritional value.

Let’s have a look at the nutritional content and the top health benefits of Cantaloupe.

Cantaloupe Health Benefits

People eat Cantaloupe to enjoy its sweet taste, but when you know how beneficial it is to your body, you will start liking this fruit even more.

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The bundle of health benefits you get when you eat Cantaloupe are:

Strengthens Immune System

One of the biggest benefits of eating Cantaloupe is that it makes immunity stronger. In this era where there are threats of new viruses and pandemics, everyone must have a powerful immune system to stay healthy.

Luckily, you can have it by eating Cantaloupe daily.

This summer fruit has Phytonutrients that fight every unwanted and harmful pathogen. For example, Beta carotene (a type of Phytonutrient) detoxifies the body and aids in the red blood cell population.

Furthermore, Vitamin C is clinically proven to boost immunity and prevent asthma, diabetes, and blood infections.

Can Help with Weight Loss

You should add Cantaloupes to your weight loss diet because this fruit can help you get leaner. The fiber in it stays in the stomach for a long time and gets digested slowly.

Due to this, you feel full for a long time and won’t eat any unhealthy snacks.

This summer fruit also improves insulin performance and maintains hormonal balance, which also supports weight loss.

Lowers Chances of Cancer

Cantaloupe is a rich source of antioxidants, which are the agents that protect the body from cancer.

It has Beta carotene, vitamin C, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and lots of other antioxidants that finish off the free radicals in your body.

It is these free radicals that are the leading cause of cancer. So, eating Cantaloupe regularly can keep cancer away.

Protects Eyes Health

If you want your eyesight to stay good, then go for Cantaloupes. It includes Vitamin A (Beta carotenes), which is the most important factor in protecting the eye’s health from UV and other harmful things.

When you look at the nutritional value of different fruits, you will realize that Cantaloupe has more Beta-Carotenes than other famous fruits like apricots, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, mangoes, etc.

So, benefit from Cantaloupe’s Vitamin A and protect your eyes from getting harmed.

Great For Diabetics

Many diabetics avoid eating Cantaloupe, fearing that its sugar content will increase the glucose levels in the body.

But that’s not the case.

This summer fruit has a score of 4 on the Glycemic index. This means that eating Cantaloupes won’t add any sugar or glucose to the blood. Furthermore, the beneficial nutrients will, in fact, keep the diabetics healthy.

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Betters Heart Health

Another great benefit of Cantaloupe is that this fruit improves heart health in a number of ways.

  • Vitamin C makes the Blood vessels healthy.
  • Potassium content reduces blood pressure.
  • Fiber helps in lowering the bad cholesterol level.

All of these things improve heart health.

Hydrates The Body

Hydration is super important if you want your body to stay healthy and active. If there is dehydration, you can face issues like constipation, kidney stones, loss of stamina, and other health complications.

Well, lucky for you, as Cantaloupes can hydrate your body because 100 grams of it has 90 grams of water. This much water improves the electrolyte balance, boosts metabolism, maintains the body’s internal temperature, and does much more.

Good For Stomach

As mentioned before, Cantaloupe is a good source of fiber. It helps in improving digestion by softening the stools.

That is why fiber-rich foods are recommended for those who have a problem with Constipation.

In addition, the nutrients in this fruit also help the food pass through both intestines smoothly.

Glows Skin

You will also notice a difference in your skin when you start eating Cantaloupes. It is because the water in this fruit moisturizes the body naturally. In addition, Vitamin A in Cantaloupes also protects the skin’s health and helps it glow.

Improves Memory

The last big health benefit of eating Cantaloupes is improving your memory. It has Folate, which is scientifically proven to help with brain functioning.

When the brain starts to work more, you will have less trouble memorizing things. That is why nutritionists suggest Cantaloupes, especially for older people who are more prone to memory loss.

So, these are the top-of-the-line benefits of Cantaloupes.

To experience all of them, you must eat this summer fruit the right way.

Best Ways To Eat Cantaloupe

You can eat Cantaloupes in lots of ways, but the best ones that health experts recommend are:

  • A simple scoop (not with anything else)
  • Adding in Fruit Salad
  • With greek yogurt for breakfast
  • Roast fruit (with seeds)
  • Cantaloupe Smoothies
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Wondering if are there any side effects of eating Cantaloupe? Then continue reading.

Side Effects of Cantaloupe

There is no doubt a Cantaloupe is a healthy fruit. But if you start eating in large quantities, you will face two health problems:

Kidney Stones

Cantaloupe has a decent amount of Potassium in it. If you consume the fruit more, potassium will start to build up, which will cause kidney stones.

Diarrhea and Indigestion

Eating too many glasses of Cantaloupe smoothies or spoon scoops can add lots of fiber content to the body. This can cause stomach problems like Indigestion and diarrhea. Some people have also complained about a severe stomach ache.

So, how much Cantaloupe can you eat in a day? Well, not more than 125 grams.

Long story short, eat this delicious summer fruit in the right way & in recommended quantities to enjoy a healthy life!

Cantaloupe Nutritional Value

Cantaloupe is a great mixture of vitamins, fiber, sugar, and minerals. We cannot live a healthy life if any of these nutrients are not consumed daily.

According to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), a 100 gram of Cantaloupe has the following nutritional content:

Energy34 kcal
Vitamin C36mg  

In addition to these nutrients, Cantaloupe also has Folate, Thiamine, Beta Carotenes, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, Copper, Zinc, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, etc.

These nutrients produce many health benefits, which I am now discussing.

The Last Words

All-inclusive, Cantaloupe is a fruit and not a vegetable. People often consider it a vegetable because it has the same family as gourd and squashes, but botanically speaking, it is a fruit.

Cantaloupe is developed from a flower and has seeds in them, which is what makes it a fruit. Also, it has a sweet taste too. Anything that is sweet is considered a fruit worldwide.

In addition to a delish rich taste, Cantaloupe is also rich in nutrients. You can enjoy health benefits like weight loss, stronger immunity, lower chances of cancer, hydration, better heart health, improved memory, and much more by eating Cantaloupe daily.

However, ensure you don’t eat more than 125 grams daily. Otherwise, you will face problems like diarrhea, indigestion, and kidney stones.

That’s everything about Cantaloupes!