Lagom P64 Review: Is It Worth Buying?

A big commercial grinder for home often proves to be an unfit option. Also, compromises that you have to make to adapt to a large commercial grinder cannot be ignored.

Option-O merged with Helor and came forth with a new product in the market, i-e, Lagom P64. It is anaddition to coffee grinders for diehard coffee enthusiasts.

This motorized version hints at Helor’s 83mm flat burr manual grinder but with a more compact and versatile build that resembles more to Mahlkönig EK43. It was created to be a compact pocket rocket grinder suitable for domestic use and offers an anticipated flavor profile.

Interchangeable flat burr and variable RPM motor offer the ease that most users only think of. A tilted Lagom P64 body and burr comes with an innovative bean feeding mechanism to maintain its performance as a single-dose grinder that can easily hold 30-40 grams of whole beans.

As per the company’s Product Development Manager Kyle Yang, if a user wants to grind a large amount uninterrupted, the machine maintains consistency when fed continuously.

Its adjustable, variable-speed motor can have a maximum speed of 1,400 RPM. The expected output for espresso is 2.2grams per second ranging down to approximately 0.8 grams per second at the lowest RPM.

However, is this new grinder worth swapping for your older grinder? Does it really provide you a noticeable difference of the ultimate precision, control, and grind quality to make hot coffee day and night.

Assuming that you are also curious to know about this new product, let’s discover what it really has to offer:


JavaPresse Manual Coffee Bean Grinder with Adjustable Settings – Patented Conical Burr Grinder for Coffee Beans, Stainless Steel Burr Coffee Grinder for Aeropress, Drip Coffee, Espresso, French Press

Lagom P64 Grinder Overview

Lagom p64 is an all-metal flat burr grinder that features an interchangeable 64mm of flat burr. Its variable RPM 300W BLDC motor is meant to provide ideal consistency with precise control over the grind size via fine-pitched step-less adjustment.

RPM ranging from 200-1400 RPM provides great control as a home grinder.

There are two additional burr options, and both are flat 64 millimeters burrs from SSP. The SSP Unimodal-Espresso burrsare ideal for light and medium roasted coffees, aiming to get clear and high extraction yield shots and brews.

The SSP High-Uniformity Espresso burrs work perfectly for all types of roast levels and tighter brewing ratios. Both burr sets can grind anything from Turkish coffee to French Press, and variable RPM helps achieve grinds with any level of coarseness.

The accessories included in the set are Portafilters fork, steel dosing cup, silicone band, Ross Droplet Technique (RDT) spray bottle, and Weiss Distribution Technique (WDT) tool. With such features, Lagom P64 has become one of the best products in terms of its price range.

Why Hyped Up?

With already fantastic options in the market, Lagom P64 has made its position quite strong. P64 is hyped up for its complex taste notes in the coffee.

The reason why it is so hyped up is its superior grinder quality. With amazing ground quality and consistency, you can also swap between uniformity and Unimodal.

Another feature that has got users’ attention is its easy pour-over and dials back and forth grind settings. Its professional build would definitely urge you to purchase it.

The Best Thing about Lagom P64

As always, Option-O launched Lagom P64 with a spectacular built quality, maintaining its long legacy.

The mechanism of this machine is well-matched with careful construction. Its grinding mechanism is CNC machined from 304 stainless steel.

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As you get three different sets of burrs, you can brew your coffee the way you like. You can use any of the three burrs.

Another good thing from a practical point of view is that you can reach burrs easily without the need for any tools. So, there is no need for tools to get the burr out and clean it.

What We Didn’t Like About It?

Lagom P64 has a variable speed motor with RPM ranging from 200-1400 RPM that provides perfect grind control. However, the dial that controls the RPM has markings that can be pretty confusing for some users. The labels on the dial are arbitrary rather than actual RPM.

So, when you rotate the dial to set RPM, you have to move from 1 to 9, which shows RPM. You can’t exactly comprehend at what RPM you are working.

Another thing that we are a bit skeptical about is its 40-gram dosage capacity which is a bit small for domestic use.

Its Pros and Cons


  •  Excellent built quality
  • Easiest to clean the burrs without tools
  • Variable RPM motor for a variety of choices


  • RPM dial control is arbitrary
  • Small dosage capacity

Lagom P64 Construction and Built Quality

P64 is a well-built machine constructed with anodized aluminum and standard silver color.

If you have been a lot into using a coffee machine, you are probably aware that coffee grinders (such as EK-43) used to be huge to cut coffee. This is sort of impractical for domestic use. And Lagom P64 is built to solve this problem.

Its relatively small and unobtrusive design is easy to put in any corner in your kitchen and do the drill. It will brew your coffee without a single rustle, and hardly would anyone guess that a machine is running in your kitchen.

Additionally, Option-O provides this machine with helpful tools to improve the user experience.

The box contains a ground collection cup, small dosing cup, portafilter funnel, RDT spray bottle, and grind distribution tool.

With its small 40-gram capacity coffee chamber, you are all set to make small batches of coffee. However, if you have to regularly make larger batches of dip coffee, this might not be a perfect match for your needs.

As mentioned above, Option-O highlights that for larger batches, you can continuously feed coffee beans into the chamber. This will work only if you are willing to stand there to feed the chamber with coffee beans as it grinds them.

You can also opt for the black color for an extra $50.

When used as an espresso grinder, you can dose coffee directly into the portafilter to sit gracefully on the portafilter cradle.

Many coffee enthusiasts complain about the vibration problem with smaller portafilters when the portafilter isn’t seated correctly in the cradle, which can be a huge mess. We advise you to use the smaller portafilter and hold on to the handle while grinding to avoid this problem.

Three Sets of Burrs

Burrs of any coffee grinder are the ultimate decision-makers to purchase it. What if the machine has excellent built quality with amazing design and color, but its burrs are not so great. This will be just a load on your pocket.

Option-O Lagom P64 has gone one step ahead and provided three sets of different burrs for a wide range of brewing needs.

A great burr for one purpose might not be the best for another, and that is where Option-O takes the lead. All 64mm flat burr sets are meant to meet different coffee brewing requirements, be it for espresso or filter brewing.

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First of all, comes the standard burrs. These are high-quality stainless steel burrs for filter coffee brewing but best for espresso. They can grind 250kg of coffee and are recommended to be sued for medium to dark roasts.

The other two burr sets by SSP are aimed for individual purposes.

Unimodal burrs are perfect for filter coffee brewing. These burrs add clarity and distinct flavor to your coffee. High uniformity burrs are best for espresso but can brew good filter coffee.

Both additional burr sets are rated to deliver lifetime use of 5000kg of coffee.

Grinding Mechanism

Lagom P64 has fantastic grind quality twice its price and produces flavorful and clear coffee. With three sets of interchangeable burrs meant to target both espresso and filter brewing, P64 can grind a spectrum of sizes of coffee beans, be it French press or espresso.

Step-less grind adjustment allows coffee beans to be dialed in with precision. The 9 labeled points and 10 smaller points in between are for reference.

There are minimal chances for coffee to get trapped in the grinder with minimal dead space and spots. So when you use light roasts, the grinder retains no coffee. This zero retention rate makes dialing in coffee easy for espresso.

Its users have complained about the static issues. Static issues refer to coffee grounds spreading everywhere and clinging to everything when they dispense from the grinder. Most likely, this is because of the material the grinder is made of.

This issue can be fixed with the RDT spry provided in Option-O’s box. Just a couple of sprays minimizes the static, and coffee dispenses neatly without the mess.

Users review that it certainly has some log issues, but it went away with spraying the beans with three squirts of water. Weather conditions also affect the static and worsen the problem. The problem fades away with more use.

Variable RPM Motor

Lagom P64 has a variable RPM motor adjustable to run anywhere between 200 to 1400 RPM. However, the reference points are not RPM but 1-9 labels. You can work with it, but it was more admirable if the dial had original RPM labels.

Machine’s Durability

According to Option-O, Lagom P64 is constructed to give a loyal service for decades without issues.

As far as it’s concerned about burrs, if you continuously use standard burrs, you have to replace them sooner. However, as there are two other SSP burr sets, your grinder will last for a long time without needing to replace burrs.

Different parts of the grinder and the grinder mechanism are made from a single piece of metal that ensures that every part fits best to others and allows no extra movement that can affect the machine. So, parts are smooth running, and nothing wobbles or breaks off.

Its motor has a connection with the grinding mechanism via a flexible coupler that helps reduce vibration in the grinder. With minimal vibration, there will be a precise grind, minimal running sound, and a longer-lasting machine.

However, these are all the claims by the company. As the product is new in the market, we need more time and data to know how long it will last and perform in the long run.

Disassembling and Cleaning

Disassembly of the machine does not require any tool. You can easily access burrs by unscrewing the main chamber of the grinder.

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Take a brush to clean everything thoroughly. Else use the air blower to clean the grinds inside the chute. This procedure is easy to follow and perform regularly.

Also, a clean grinder performs better and lasts long.

Option-O customer service

Not in the past, but now, Option –O has stepped out of their customer service. After going through dozens of customer reviews, we can say that you can trust the company’s customer service and get their excellent products. The company replies faster to customer queries and solves the issue.

Is It Value For Money?

Looking at its built quality, grind quality, and burrs, we can say that Lagom P64 is good value for money.

It costs around $1500, more or less with the burrs you choose. The quality and working are comparable to coffee grinders that cost double their price.

But does it mean you should change your current coffee grinder with this one?

It depends on what you already have. If you have Wilfa Uniform, Baratza Vario, or Fellow Ode, you don’t need to throw them out because you will not taste a considerable difference with Lagom P64.

You will feel some difference in taste, but that is not enough to change it with Lagom P64. Your cup of coffee will be clearer, but that depends on your burrs’ choice. So, you may or may not get the extra clarity.

The reason to buy it can be its extra-fine built quality, durability, and appreciable workflow.

Reason to Buy the Lagom P64 Grinder

You must buy Lagom P64 Grinder if,

1.   You love to experiment with the grinder and want to try different RPMs to taste and clarity.

As mentioned above, its variable RPM control is an additional element to the coffee grinder. The one who is experienced in using it can make variable shots, but it can be very stressful for other users.

Users who like to simply make their coffee and don’t bother experimenting might feel confused. So, instead of thinking about whether you are doing it right and what would be the ultimate RPM, we would recommend you to go for other simple grinders.

2.      You need it for domestic use.

If you just need to make fewer shots, Lagom P64 is best. But if you have to make a liter of coffee, you’ll either need to grind two doses or slowly pour the coffee into the grinder. And that will be pretty old for a tastier coffee. So, better go for other options.

Bottom Line

If you are new to buying a domestic coffee grinder and want every bit of taste from coffee beans, go for Lagom P64 without hesitation. It is a good value for money and will last longer to pay back all its expenses.

It’s nicely built, has excellent grind quality, and three sets of burrs offer everything you need in a coffee. However, if you need to make batches of coffee, don’t go for it. Instead, look for some usual hits in the market.

If you want an all-purpose grinder, Lagom P6 would be okay. It’s incredible for espresso but not ideal for French /filter press. If you think that ordering only a set of Unimodal burrs will be an easy and beginners’ friendly experience, then, unfortunately, it’s not like that. The faster and stress-free burr changing mechanism makes the process easy and quick.

Better order it with 2 sets and enjoy both espresso and French press.