What Does G-Out Mean? Everything You Need To Know

You might have heard someone saying that you had hit a G-out while riding your bike off the road. You might be wondering what that term means; unluckily, when you searched online, the results were disappointing.

You can see the results for gout’s medical condition, its symptoms, and everything else. Even worse, there are results for G-spot or golf outings.

But don’t worry. We have come up with the right content you need to know to understand the term G-out, its meaning, its relation with mountain biking or car racing, etc.

We will also explain the difference between G-out and gout or golf outing. So let’s get into it and know everything you need about G-out to avoid confusion.

What is G-Out?

G-out is not a word that you can find in the dictionary. Therefore, we have to refer to its context and define the term on our own and what bikers have to say about it.

So, in general, we can define G-out as,

When you are racing, like a mountain bike, and suddenly hit a very big hole at high speed, it can be a G-out. Since the hole is unsuspected until you hit it, the impact on the body and your mountain bike is quite noticeable.

A mountain biker Andrease Boehme explains a G-out as,

A lower, more technical part of the great combo with SideWinder trail is a G-out for me.

Another technical definition of G-out can be quoted as,

When your bike’s suspensions bottom out due to g-force applied by a big hole coming your way, it is called G-out.

Another definition of G-out is as follows:

A berm or jump that compresses the mountain bike so hard that its suspensions are also compressed due to underlying g-force. As a result, the bike cannot absorb the bumps and gets into unbalanced conditions.

What do we conclude from these definitions?

It is easy to say that G-out is a terrain feature that results from transitions in terrain when vehicles are going through at a higher speed. G-out is usually a ground dip, a deep hole between two flat surfaces, a flat surface after a steep hill, etc.

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Example of G-Out

Let’s quote a simple example of G-out to understand the context of the term.

Let’s say that Emile aimed to dive off the Pacific ocean from a cliff. It is not the perfect example of G-out, but he won’t know how deep the ocean is until he has just moved away from the cliff and is in the air.

A better example of G-out is a biker flying down a hill and abruptly leveling out at the bottom. The high speed with which it will hit the flat surface will cause G-out.

G-Out And G-Force

Many bikers are often found asking on forums that they have heard a lot of the term G-out but never found the actual meaning and the science behind the G-out. We are going to attempt and explain the relation of G-out with g-force and how it results in a sudden force applied to the bikes.

Gravitational force equivalent or G-force can be explained as force per unit mass. G-force is often measured in g, gravitational acceleration on Earth. A body experiences a g-force because of the vector sum of all non-gravitational and non-electromagnetic forces that act on an object’s freedom to move.

In principle, it works as the surface of one object produces g-force when being pushed by the surface of another object. Consequently, a reaction is produced that is equal and opposite in weight for every unit of an object’s mass.

G-out relates to g-force because the smashing of the gas pedal resulting from high g-force results in a backward push. Consequently, the vehicle’s speed increases around the corner.

In the case of mountain biking, a big dip in the ground results in high g-force resulting in a G-out when you feel your body is too heavy and you are losing your balance as a result.

G-Out in Mountain Biking

You would have seen a lot of pictures with the caption G-out, but you never understood what it is about. Most commonly, novice bikers are told by experts about G-out, but they don’t exactly understand what it is. Let us take a moment to explain G-out in mountain biking.

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As a mountain biker, you know there is a big dip in the ground when you are biking off-road or on a trail. It is usually at the faster section and can’t be spotted until you are actually there.

As a result, when you bottom your suspension, the body weight feels heavier, and it seems like you are losing balance. In most cases, G-out results in an unbalanced biker falling on the ground.

Besides, we can also explain the G-out moment for a biker when the terrain you are riding is rapidly changing. It can be a slope upward, a steep downhill leading to a flat surface, or a downhill to an uphill. When you pass such a terrian with high speed, it results in higher G-force and will be the G-out moment.

As we mentioned earlier, it is very tricky to locate a G-out until you have reached the point. Therefore, it can be dangerous for the rider in many cases. It is one of the reasons why many bikers and riders fall to the ground when hit by a G-out.

G-Out in Car Racing

Although G-out is a more common term for mountain biking, the terrain feature is also very common for car racers. Off-road car racers have often experienced the G-out when racing on rough surfaces, sloppy terrains, or even trail tracks. So here we are to explain a G-out when you are riding a racing car.

The phenomenon is more or less the same; higher g-force results in bottoming suspensions and body weight being felt heavier. However, the impact can be different in the case of car racing.

Let’s explain it with the help of a simulation. So imagine you are driving a car down a steep hill leading you to a valley having a bridge that passes over a stream. The bridge is followed by another steep uphill taking you out of the valley.

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Now when you are riding down and abruptly hitting a flat surface(bridge) and quickly moving upward, the down-hitting moment will be G-out as it is the lowest point in this whole scenario.

Better see than read; therefore, we are linking you to a page where a car driving at 97 kph hits a G-out, and you can witness the aftermath of that hitting in one image.

See it here. If we explain the aftermath of V G-out, it results in violent bottom out of suspensions and results in the vehicle being thrown into the air due to tire rebound.

G-Out Vs. Gout

You know what a G-out actually is. Although it is impossible to give a concrete definition of G-out, we have tried to explain it in the simplest terms.

However, many people are overwhelmed to see the search engine results crowded with articles about gout when they are actually looking for G-out. So here is the G-out vs. gout.

G-out is a term that is very specific to off-road trailers, bikers, and racing cars. It relates to the terrain, as we have discussed it extensively throughout the article.

On the other hand, gout is a medical term that relates to a medical condition. Gout is often referred to as the intense version of arthritis. It is a painful medical condition resulting from excess uric acid in the big toe or other joints.

So now you know the difference between G-out and gout. And we hope you will be able to understand the term G-out clearly.


We have discussed everything related to G-out that you might be looking for as a mountain biker or car racer. We also explained the difference between G-out and gout so that next time your search engine gets flooded with gout, you know which link to click and what exactly G-out is about!