Do McDonald’s Fries and Nuggets Have Gluten, and Is It Free?

Gluten is the cause of many severe diseases like osteoporosis and anemia. Therefore its intake should be limited. On the other hand, people love to eat plenty of McDonald’s nuggets and fries.

They may contain gluten that is dangerous for health. First, let us discuss whether they are gluten-free or not. If not, list gluten-free McDonald’s products.

Is McDonald’s Gluten-Free?

McDonald’s is not trying specifically to produce gluten-free products. However, a few foods do not contain gluten-containing ingredients and are best for gluten-sensitive people. In addition, some food items contain gluten due to cross-contamination.

Are McDonald’s Fries Gluten-Free?

McDonald’s, located in the United States, does not sell gluten-free fries. On the labeling of fries, it is mentioned that the fries are made using beef flavor, which contains wheat and milk.

Thus, fries have gluten; however, the oil used to fry them in vegetable oil. So if you are gluten allergen, you must avoid these fries.

But there are a few countries in which beef flavor is not used, for example

  1. Canada
  2. Australia
  3. United kingdom

Thus, you must concern with the McDonald’s officials of your location and ask them whether their fries are gluten-free or not. Unfortunately, it is hard to mention a specific place that sells gluten-free fries due to the risk of cross-contamination.

Are McDonald’s Nuggets Gluten-Free?

No, the nuggets of McDonald’s contain wheat floor. That’s why these are not gluten-free.

7 food items of McDonald’s that are gluten-free?

Here is the list of all gluten-free food items that are good for your health.

1. Coffee

McDonald’s has multiple coffee options, and it does not matter whether it is hot or cold coffee; they are gluten-free. However, coffee contains a large amount of sugar, that’s why do not drink it daily.

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If you have to drink coffee daily, reduce it and always go for a small cup.

2. Smoothies

The smoothies of McDonald’s are available in almost all flavors, for example, strawberry, banana, apple, and oranges. These are best for people who always crave different things.

You get a golden chance to overcome your craving, and all you are taking is healthy and gluten-free.

3. Salads

McDonald’s is known for its salads, and all of them are not gluten-free. So you will have to do brief research to find gluten-free salads, and it is not hard. First, open the official websites and look for the ingredients of all salads.

The best tip to avoid gluten is to go for a salad that does not contain crispy chicken.

4. Caramel, Chocolate Chip, or Mocha Frappe

If you are a person who loves sugar but has a very high gluten-sensitive stomach, these mocha are best for you. These are a fantastic blend of sugar, spice, and everything.

You must buy them to cut down your sugar craving, and best of all, all these flavors are cheaper than Starbucks.

5. Any burger without the Bun (and no Big Mac sauce)

The actual ingredients of a burger do not contain gluten; however, due to cross-contamination, you must take precautionary measures to prevent your stomach from a severe reaction.

However, McDonald’s burgers without the bun and big mac sauce are safe to eat for gluten-sensitive people.

6. M&M’s or Cadbury Chocolate McFlurry

It is impossible to say no to McFlurry as they are tasty and available at a very reasonable price. However, avoid following flavors of McFlurry as they are not gluten-free

  1. Oreos
  2. Cookies
  3. Brownies pieces

7. Hot Fudge or Caramel Sundaes

These sundaes are best and if you want to add more gluten-free crunch, sprinkle some nuts.

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Why should you Avoid Gluten?

Following are a few side effects of gluten, and for protecting yourself from such diseases, it is necessary to avoid gluten.

1. To Control Celiac Diseases

People are suffering from autoimmune diseases should avoid gluten as it triggers the immune system against the small intestine. In addition, due to repeated attacks on gluten, the small intestine fails to absorb certain nutrients, such as calcium and iron.

This condition is known as celiac disease. If it is not treated on time, the victim becomes deficient in many nutrients and suffers from diseases like osteoporosis, anemia, fatigue, infertility, and neurological problems.

So if you are a patient with celiac disease, stick to a gluten-free diet. It will heal your intestine and enables it to absorb nutrients required for good health.

2. To Avoid DH

Gluten should be avoided for controlling dermatitis herpetiformis (DH). It is also a type of celiac disease which triggers the immune system to attack the skin.

There is the appearance of symmetric rashes on the skin; suppose you have rashes on your right arm, the same rashes will appear on your right simultaneously, and these chronic itchy rashes are very painful.

Furthermore, if it is not controlled in the initial stage by controlling gluten intake, there is a risk of intestinal cancer.

3. To Control the Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity

People who want to control symptoms of gluten sensitivity should avoid gluten intake. This condition is different from DH and celiac disease. It is caused by lactose intolerance.

Such people have to go through stressful situations, and they suffer from bloating, gas, constipation, and irritable bowel. However, it is not a lethal condition, nor does it lead to a problematic situation.

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But if one wants to protect himself from diarrhea, constipation, and bloating, one should avoid gluten.

Is Gluten Bad for your Health?

Gluten is not bad for the health of every person and but people think it is hazardous for health, so they avoid taking wheat and certain carbohydrates. Those are rich sources of other nutrients. As a result, they suffer from different deficiencies.

The second primary reason people do not want to take gluten is to lose weight to cut down all gluten sources. This is very dangerous for health as your body becomes deficient in specific nutrients.

Always choose the healthy method for losing weight. Similarly, some people think gluten is sensitive and suffer from celiac diseases. As a result, they stop the intake of gluten. Never deduce anything yourself; instead, go for a proper check-up and ask for doctors’ advice.

What is a Gluten-Conscious Person to be?

If a person has the following symptoms, he should concern with doctors. Specific tests are used to diagnose a person’s gluten sensitivity, such as intestinal biopsies, antibodies, and genetic tests. These tests prove very beneficial as you get to know the foods that cause allergic reactions in your body.

  1. Abdominal again
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Weight loss
  4. Bloating
  5. Growth delay in children
  6. Itchy rashes

Final Words

In a nutshell, gluten is bad for some people’s health; however, some are not bothered by it. Always consume it in limited amounts. Fires and nuggets of McDonald’s are not gluten-free.

However, certain things on their menu are gluten-free. So you should go for them if you are suffering from nutrient deficiency; always for gluten sensitivity check and ask doctors for a prescription.

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