Where Can I Buy McDonald’s Pickles? 6 Different Options

McDonald’s pickles are iconic ingredients of McDonald’s burgers. These pickles make the McDonald’s burger unique and delectable by their specific look and taste. Due to the fantastic taste, many pickle-lovers want to buy them but wonder, Where Can I Buy McDonald’s Pickles?

Unfortunately, McDonald’s does not sell their pickles in-store, and you cannot even buy them online. However, if you are very keen on McDonald’s pickles, there are different options that you can avail of to find pickles that are exactly what McDonald’s mimics.

Many stores sell pickles that taste like McDonald’s, and here we have enlisted six best and easy-to-find options.

Stay with us and check them!

Where Can I Buy McDonald’s Pickles In 2022?

Heinz Genuine Whole Original Sour Dill Pickles provide the most delicate taste and flavor like McDonald’s. Vlasic is the second closest choice. Here is more to crack; let’s dive into it!

1. Kroger

Kroger carries Vlasic Original Whole Dill Pickles; it is the most incredible pickle, ideally similar to McDonald’s. These pickles come in a 46-ounce jar and are $3.99, so they will serve you a pretty long time – you can make a large number of burgers with this jar.

The whole pickle means you have to cut them thin to get McDonald’s’ size. So you can use it in your food to enjoy the Mcodonad’s taste.

Furthermore, Kroger Fast Food Style Hamburger Dill Pickle Chips also make the list of pickles that offer qualities similar to McDonald’s pickles. Grillo’s Pickles Classic Dill Pickles are also suggested due to McDonald’s like pickles. It also needs to be cut down.  A 32-ounces Grillo’s Pickles Classic Dill Pickles cost $7.99.

2. Walmart

Walmart carries Heinz Genuine Whole Original Sour Dill Pickles. If you want to get McDonald’s pickles, you can choose this closest option. Due to terrific taste and quality—these pickles sell out quickly—so you need to be patient if you do not find them in stock.

Since these are whole pickles, you have to cut them into small pieces to get the look and feel of a McDonald’s pickle. Great Value Hamburger Dill Chips is a worthy substitute for McDonald’s pickles and come in similar styles and sizes. For 32-ounces, its cost is $1.94.

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3. Meijer

Meijer Store also provides a couple of brand pickles similar to McDonald’s, including Milwaukee’s Baby Dill Pickles. These are small whole pickles, so you can easily cut and add to sandwiches and burgers. Pickles cost $2.69 for a 32-ounce jar as far as price is concerned.

In addition to that, Meojer’s pickles have that sour dill taste that makes it taste so good!

Vlasic Sweet Mini pickles are also parallel to McDonald’s taste; if you like to buy small jars, going with Vlasic Sweet Mini pickles is a great deal. These pickles can be angled or cut thin to imitate McDonald’s size. As far as price is concerned, Vlasic Sweet Mini pickles feature $2.89 for a 16-ounce jar.

4. Albertsons

Albertsons offers Signature Select Pickle Chips Hamburger Dill, which tastes relatively close to McDonald’s pickles and is $1.99 for a 16-ounce jar.

These are comparable in taste to McDonald’s because its first three ingredients are cucumbers, water, and vinegar. The vinegar gives the more sour taste that McDonald’s is known for with its pickles.

5. Publix

Publix Hamburger Dill Pickle Chips are also packed in the same flavor and size as McDonald’s pickles. These pickles are great for burgers and chicken sandwiches.

A 16-ounces jar is available for $2. Publix also sells Ba Tampte Pickles Half Sour, which costs $5.19 for 32-ounces. Isn’t it a cost-effective deal?

They are whole pickles; if you want to recreate McDonald’s size, you can cut them thin.

6. Best Maid Online

Best Maid Hamburger Slices that you can buy online are incredibly similar to McDonald’s in look, size, and flavor. You can visit the Best Maid website to purchase them; these pickles come in three different sizes so that you can buy either 16-ounce, 32-ounce, or 1-gallon jars. These jars come in the $2.49 to $8.99 range, depending on size.

Best Maid Dill Pickles also deliver McDonald’s similar taste; You will love to taste these pickles even when you cut them into thin slices. Additionally, Best Made Hamburger Pickles can also be bought at Walmart, Sam’s Club, Brookshire’s, and H-E-B.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains the answers to the questions that pickle lovers often have in their minds.

So, do not miss this section!

Does McDonald’S Use Real Pickles?

Typically, McDonald’s is free from artificial ingredients except for pickles. (Now, McDonald’s is also not using artificial preservatives for Fortis McNuggets). All burgers’ patties, including Big Mac, are prepared in advance and then frozen after they are served.

Can You Buy McDonald’s Pickles?

McDonald’s does not sell their pickles in-store; you can buy them in different stores that mimic the appearance and taste of McDonald’s pickles. However, there is also no method to order them online.

Are Mcdonald’s Pickles Fake?

McDonald’s pickles are prepared with artificial preservatives, so McDonald’s customers can avoid consuming them according to choice. However, Big Mac Special Sauce, the regular bun, McDonald’s real American Cheese, and the Quarter Pounder bun (sesame seed bun) are withdrawn from the menu as they were prepared with artificial preservatives.

What Kind Of Pickles Do McDonald’s Use?

Like McDonald’s pickles, thick crinkle-cut pickles, including the Angus Third Pounders. Most McDonald’s pickles are tart and sliced thinner than usual; even cutting and size can make the pickles attractive and tasty. Crinkle-cut pickles taste amazing at the lowest price.

What Are McDonald’s Pickles Made Of?

People think that McDonald’s has a secretive recipe for its super-tasty pickles, but it is just a basic pickled cucumber recipe. Yet, there are some distinctions between the ideal recipe and the recipes most pickles have.

Water, cucumbers, and vinegar are the first three ingredients of McDonald’s pickle. Vinegar adds a sour taste to the McDonald’s pickles; therefore, McDonald’s’ pickle is famous for their tangy taste.

What Is Artificial Preservative In McDonald’s Pickles?

Potassium sorbate is an artificial preservative in McDonald’s pickles. This pickle is mainly used in Quarter Pounders, hamburgers, and Big Macs.

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What Kind Of Pickles Do They Put On Hamburgers?

Butter and bread are added in the pickle to Pickles to prepare its sweet pickle base, but the coriander and celery seeds are added to make the pickle taste tangy. This pickle is used to add in Big Mac and other fast food burgers.

What Pickles Are Used In Big Macs?

Big Macs are of two types: the classic and the new. The bun of these Big Macs is topped with six ounces (45 grams), special sauce (a Thousand Island dressing variant), shredded iceberg lettuce, sliced dill pickles, and minced onions.

Do You Get Extra Pickles At McDonald’s?

Most McDonald’s pickles are sour dill pickles that are thinner than usual. You do not get extra, but you like their taste and texture on the double ham.

Are McDonald’s Pickles Real?

Most McDonald’s burgers and fast foods are free of artificial ingredients but not the pickle; pickles include artificial preservatives.

Where Do Pickles Originally Come From?

Pickles are thought to have originated around 2400 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia. According to archaeological evidence, cucumbers were pickled in the Tigris Valley in 2030 BCE.

Our Summary

There are plenty of ingredients in McDonald’s burgers that make them famous in the town and satisfactory for every McDonald’s lovers’ taste buds. Pickles are ingredients that speak their presence aloud; therefore, many users want to buy pickles to raise their recipes’ taste.But here is one confusion: Where Can I Buy McDonald’s Pickles?

Unfortunately, McDonald’s pickles are neither available in-store nor online. Well, there are plenty of other options that’ll reduce your worry and provide you taste close to McDonald’s pickles.

Heinz Genuine Whole Original Sour Dill Pickles are nearest McDonald’s; these are available at Walmart and similar other retail stores; they are available at Walmart and similar other retail stores. Classic Original Whole Dill Pickles stands close to second, marketed at Kroger and other stores. So, you can visit these stores to grab your favorite and tangy pickles!